
quote July 3, 2016

Where words fail, music speaks. -Hans Christian Andersen


post June 16, 2016

Rick’s latest Giveaway has just completed and it is time to announce the winner!

They will get TWO tickets to the Def Leppard show of their choice! And, if they are also a VIP ACCESS member, then they get to meet Rick backstage too! Out of thousands of entries, here is who was randomly selected!


Way to go, Renee! Congrats!

As a bonus, Renee IS indeed a VIP ACCESS member! Sweet!! That means that she’ll get to hang out with Rick Allen himself backstage at the show! So, double-congrats, Renee!!

Rick says that he loved doing the Giveaway and we’ll do it again sometime! So, keep watching for the next one!



quote May 31, 2016

Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. ― Victor Hugo