post July 18, 2018
Love this photo and the story that goes with it!
Thanks for sharing it with me, Rachel! 🙂 Here’s her fantastic story behind this photo:
Hi Rick! Sorry this is so long and rambling, but I wanted to share this because for me, this is all about coming full circle…I started listening to Def Leppard when I was 12 after hearing Photograph on the radio..and it was then this amazing band from Sheffield immediately carved a niche into my life and heart, with your records becoming the soundtrack to all the important events in my life….love, heartbreak, marriage, births, deaths and everything in between. Fast forward to 2012…my son attended his first Def Leppard show for his 12th birthday, and has been my constant companion each year after that (minus the Vegas residency). Last year my daughter firmly told me that I was taking her to your next show… Saturday @ Wrigley Field, my son attended his 7th Lep show, it was my 13th. Below is my 10 year old at her first concert…ever… Def Leppard. The picture says it all…it was an amazing show and [we] had the best time. We’ll see you next time….and there will be a next time